The absolute best way to get to know the club and make new friends, is to join a committee. They are what give LPR all its dimension and depth and make it such a fun place to be. You can join as many committees as you wish, as long as you think it’ll give you joy. You can also join later in the year, of course.

Archive committee
Are you good at sorting out and organising old documents? Do you enjoy going through old photos and finding dusty association relics? Join the Archive Committee and organise our storage and archives! This committee meets at once a quarter to keep everything up-to-date.
Time: at least a couple hours every quarter (indexing old files and adding new ones, helping out the Balancé and DLS) and on top of that as much as you wish.
Balancé Committee
Do you like writing, making puzzles, sharing recipes or telling stories about our performances and activities? Then join the LPR magazine: the Balancé! This committee is also perfect for you if you like design or editing. The Balancé gets published (digitally) four times a year and is a good opportunity to practise your skills in language, writing and design.
Time: roughly 5 to 10 hours per quarter per person, though the editor and graphic designer may have to invest more time.

Dance–Literature–Study Committee (DLS)
Do you find it interesting to research how nobility used to dance? Would you like to get to know our dances even better or even work on writing new ones? Then the Dance-Literature-Study Committee is perfect for you! In the DLS, you study up on and write both old and new dances for the association and make sure our repertoire has something great to offer for every time period.
Time: as much or as little as you like :)
Gala Committee
Are you a real ball lover and would you like to share this passion with others? Then join the Gala Committee and help organise Les Précieuses Ridicules’ one and only galaball! The ball takes place once a year and is one of the highlights of our dance year. On top of that, you’ll be setting up our yearly “block weekend” – this is basically the LPR version of bootcamp. This committee works towards our ball and block weekend throughout the year and it is the ultimate chance to show off your organisational skills.
Time: peak activity is March through early June, during which you’ll have several hours of work each month, on occasion each week even. The rest of the year is pretty slow.

Introduction and Recruitment Committee (IntroCo)
Do you want to help spread the passion for dancing and the joys of our association? In that case, the Introduction and Recruitment Committee is perfect for you! Help this committee before and during the introduction week to show potential new members how great LPR is. You can also help us come up with activities for events such as the RU RAGweek. So do you want to demonstrate what our association is all about (while in costume)? Sign up for this committee!
Time: peak months are April and August, during which you will do most of your prep work for as well as run the RAGweek and orientation markets respectively. De rest of the year is pretty slow.
Treasury Supervision Committee (KasCo)
Are you a numberphile? Do you want to use your watchful eyes to help the association? Keep the finances (and our treasurer ;p) in check in the TSC. This committee meets a couple of times a year to check the state of the association’s books and accounts. A good chance to practise your arithmetics and perform one of the most important jobs within the association!
Time: at least thrice a year, roughly 3 hours each time.

Costuming Committee
Do you love the stunning beauty of old clothing and do you want to help keep our beautiful costumes in good shape? Then the Costuming Committee will be your perfect fit. This committee takes care of our costumes and keeps them in tip-top shape by making any necessary repairs. They sometimes even get to make new costumes for LPR! No previous experience is needed, but it would come in handy.
"Project Biedermeier"
Our biedermeier costumes need replacing, so we will be making new ones this year! Would you like to help us realise these new beauties? Awesome!
The committee will be structured depending on who signs up for the project: the more experienced sewists will handle the bulk of the work and tackle more complex tasks, whereas the less experienced folk can help out doing smaller and simpler jobs.
LPR sewing circle
Would you like to make your own (historical) projects but don’t have time for the CosCo’s core duties? Then our sewing circle may provide a nice alternative. You don’t have to have any sewing skills at all to join. In fact, this is a great opportunity to learn something new!
Lustrum Committee
The association celebrates their anniversary every five years. To celebrate these special occasions, the Lustrum Committee is constituted. This committee is chosen for two years: the year before and the year of the lustrum. Join this committee and help organise loads of activities full of diversity!
To set all these activities up, you’ll be working closely together with many of the other committees. Can’t choose which one to join and it happens to be a (pre)lustrum year? Join here and just do a bit of everything!
Time: depends heavily on what type of activities the LusCo chooses to organise and how many.
The LusCo will be installed for both the course years of 2024/2025 and 2025/2026. You are encouraged to do both years if you can.

Media and PR Committee (MediaCo)
Is graphic design right up your alley? Do you take pictures like no other? Or are you the social media rising star of our generation? You’ll feel right at home in our Media and PR Committee! This committee actively manages our online media channels and materials. Tasks such as making Facebook and Instagram-posts and keeping the website up to date are the jurisdiction of this committee. And when other committees need help designing posters or flyers, they may turn to you as you are obviously the best person for the job ;)
Time: on average an hour a week per person.
Merchandise Committee
Would you enjoy designing the trendiest items for the association? Would you like to help put everyone in beautiful LPR-branded fashion? Then join the Merchandise Committee! As a member of this committee, you get to make designs for all kinds of fun merchandise that can then be bought by members. There are two or three merch moments a year, so plenty of opportunities to show your creativity!
Time: two or three times a year for about three weeks each time, one to two hours a week.

Showcase Committee (ShowCo)
When our season concludes in June, we show our friends and family all the things we have learned in a grand end-of-year performance. Would you like to have a hand in the organisation and the shaping of this awesome little showcase? Then come and join the ShowCo and put on the greatest show the world has ever seen! …Until next year’s showcase, that is ;)
Time: May and June will be pretty busy, but before then you only have some planning and writing to do.
! In order to take part in the showcase itself, you do not have to be a member of the ShowCo. All members are free to shine in this show (or not).
Social Activities Committee (SissiSie)
What would any association be without fun activities for its members? That is why LPR has the SissiSie! This committee plans one or two activities per month which are usually – but not nearly always – related to court dancing somehow. Examples of activities are movie nights, trips, and game nights. Are you all about fun activities and facilitating social interaction? Then this committee will be just right for you!
Time: roughly two hours a month + the time the actual activities take. (As committee member, you should try to attend your own activities as often as you can.)