Would you also like to sponsor LPR for free?

Would you also like to sponsor LPR for free?

Now you can, with SponsorKliks! By going through LPRs SponsorKliks page when you make purchases online, we receive a small commission without it costing you anything extra.

Hungry? Order a pizza on Thuisbezorgd.nl! Need a new washing machine? Buy it through our sponsor link to Bol.com or Coolblue. Shops like HEMA, Zooplus, Expedia and many more also participate. Every time you buy something via our sponsor link, a percentage of the purchase amount will go to Les Précieuses Ridicules. And again: it doesn’t cost you an extra penny!

You stay anonymous

Neither SponsorKliks nor Les Précieuses Ridicules knows who ordered something or what they ordered. SponsorKliks only knows the webshop where the purchase was made and the amount of the purchase. Because you order via our links, they know that the commission is meant for LPR.

Because SponsorKliks can’t see who placed an order at a participating webshop, it is of absolute importance that you only place orders through our links: placing a direct order with Bol.com for example, will not yield any commission for LPR.

Apps and browser extension

Do you want to make supporting LPR even easier for yourself? Then download the SponsorKliks App. You can always view the total earned commission for LPR in the app and you can click through to an overview of all transactions.

Please note: Apple phones need to be in light mode to fill in the sponsor goal and see the transaction total.


Do you prefer making purchases on a laptop or computer? Chrome and Edge have browser extensions for SponsorKliks! The browser extension even gives a pop-up at some websites if you forget to click our Sponsor link. This way, you won’t forget ;)

Thanks in advance for your support!

Where we're at: