
Are you interested in joining one of our classes to experience what it is that we do? Then contact us for a free trial lesson! You can register as a member afterwards if you’d like. (Please note: we do not take on any new members from June until the end of August.)

Good to know

You need no prior dance experience or a dance partner to dance with us. All dances and steps are learned from the basics and in court dancing you swap partners between dances. You will dance with everyone and know your classmates in no time!

Memberschip fees

You do NOT need an RSC Sports card for a membership with Les Précieuses Ridicules. This means you only pay membership fees for the association itself. These fees enable us to organise classes and other fun activities for our members. A membership for one year costs €100,-. If you join the association in the period of January to May, you will pay for half a year, a.k.a. €50.-

Ladies and gentlemen, leads and follows

Court dancing is a partner dance sport, similar to ballroom dancing in that regard. At LPR, you get to choose for yourself whether you want to dance as a lead or a follow. During our classes we label these roles gentlemen and ladies respectively, to enhance the historical experience our sport brings. Who dances what part is irrelevant: it’s really only meant as a technical term.